
Things You Will Need To Let Go Of To Be Successful As an Artist

Artists are often told to take almost every opportunity that comes up. You get to hear things like making sure to display your work at and attend every art gallery opening as you may not know which opportunities you would come across. But sometimes it is more important to know what things you need to give up rather than what you need to say yes to.

Habits can be really hard to break, some more than others. Mental habits usually go undetected unless we really become self-aware of doing them. However, if you wish to succeed, not only as an artist but in doing whatever passion you wish to follow, then it is essential that you let go of the habits that would reduce the quality of your productivity and results.

You are enough

It might seem tough in the start, but this is how Michael Benisty, the Belgian self-taught multimedia artist set off in his, now successful, career. The creator of several influential sculptural and digital pieces of art that portray the world’s current affairs, spirituality, and power which you need to let go of. The one thing a successful artist does not do is think that they are not enough, that their skills are inadequate. As a sculpture artist whose designs were displayed in Art Basel, Burning Man, and Art with Me, Benisty warns against thinking that you never have enough time, enough money, or confidence. Once you are able to get yourself out of such a mentality, you will see all of the other aspects fall easily into place.

Stop with all the comparisons

When Michael Benisty started to make the famous Mirage sculpture for Burning Man, he made sure not to dwell in comparisons. This sort of habit will stifle your creativity, especially when you compare yourself to someone who has been in the field for more than a decade. You will also not be able to push yourself farther ahead if you measure yourself against someone who is just starting. Instead of doing all that, compare your current self to your previous self, i.e., how you were with your work ethics, designs, and techniques, etc.

Stop making excuses

Though it might be calming to make excuses and procrastinate, it is absolutely diabolical to your progress. Things like “I am too busy/ my family needs me/ I am too heartbroken” when used for too long become a habit one just sticks to, to not work. You will need to be proactive if you wish to achieve success as an artist.

Progress doesn’t come from working all the time

If you think that being a perfectionist and a workaholic will get you the success you want, then you are in for a rude surprise. As someone who sculpted his ‘Die to Live’ stainless steel sculpture featuring 345,798 golden black Swarovski crystals, Benisty is a big advocate of taking some time off and letting your mind and body heal. There are way too many artists who sacrifice these two for the sake of their craft. But you need to understand that you need these two to be able to really hone your craft and create something extraordinary.