
Tips on How to Help an Itchy Anus

Tips on How to Help an Itchy Anus

Anal itching is a pretty common condition among the population. It is more likely to occur in men, rather than women. The medical term for it is Pruritus Ani. In most cases, there is no underlying cause for it. However, science does recognize a few reasons why itchy anus might occur and how to treat them. We spoke with the CEO at Pranicura and here are the reasons he mentioned:

If you don’t wipe or shower enough, fecal matter can stick, which can irritate the skin. This can become even worse if you suffer from chronic diarrhea or soft stools.

You’ll have to wipe better and shower more often. Also, add more fiber to your diet. This will make you more regular.

If you have the habit of cleaning your anus aggressively, you need to reconsider it. Don’t use rough, dry paper and don’t use soap too often, because you can remove protective oils from the skin. This will result in dryness and itchiness. Use a wet paper towel to gently wipe the area instead. After that pat it dry.


Hemorrhoid is a swollen vein in your anus and lower rectum. It can bleed and cause itchiness. Some of the causes of hemorrhoids are excessive bowel movements, prolonged sitting on the toilet, obesity, straining during bowel movements. Fiber may be also helpful here if you don’t have regular stools. You can use topical medications that will relieve the pain and itchiness.

Too much moisture around your anus caused by sweat may also evoke anal itching. You want to make sure you stay dry down there. To do that, consider wearing moisture–wicking underwear. Apply powders – this should help.

Avoid spicy foods. They may keep you alive longer, but also might cause you itchy bottom. Food allergy can cause a similar effect. Drinking coffee may lead to leakage, causing fecal residue around the rectum.

Other problematic foods and beverages include beer, alcohol, carbonated drinks, tomatoes, chocolate, citrus fruits, nuts, dairy products. Exclude those from your diet for at least a week or two.

An anal fissure is a tear in the lining of the anus. It occurs from passing large or hard stools. Chronic fissures may need surgery, but otherwise, you can get rid of them by eating more fiber (fruits, veggies, grains, nuts).

Psoriasis, eczema, and scabies are also possible reasons for getting anal itching. To treat those, visit a dermatologist and also apply the same tips, mentioned above.

Some people are sensitive to synthetic fabrics, which can cause irritation in the rectal area. The solution here is switching to cotton or linen. These fabrics can absorb moisture and prevent sweaty bottom. The detergent you use may cause irritation, too. Switch to a hypoallergenic detergent to resolve this problem.

Anal itching is a really unpleasant and annoying sensation. You can avoid it by utilizing the information and tips, mentioned in this piece. Just remember to keep the anal area clean and dry, and avoid scratching as it can make things worse.