
6 Tips That Will Ready Your Hair For Spring and Summer

Spring is finally here and soon, summer will take over the season of flowers. The transition in the temperature call for a change in your wardrobe. It is the time to bring out the floral prints and the light-colored outfits. It is also the time to take extra care of your tresses as the changing weather pattern can take a toll, making them dull, lifeless and frizz-prone.

Cropping your hair short is one of the best alternatives that can save the day for you this season. But what if you don’t want to chop off your long strands of hair? What could be the other alternatives, which can make your hair ready for spring and summer?

Here are some tips for a flawless hair this season.

Tip #1. Moisturize your Hair

Just like your skin, your hair also needs moisture. The dry spring and summer spell often wreaks havoc on your hair, leaving it dry. So, make it a point to keep your hair well-hydrated by:

Tip #2. Protect your Hair from the Sun

Exposure to direct sunlight is unfavorable for your hair. The harsh UV rays of the sun make your hair dry and also fade away your hair color. This doesn’t mean you stop stepping out of your home altogether for the entire season! Just cover your hair in a pretty hat or scarf when you venture out. Alternatively, you can also apply a leave-in UV protection spray to your hair and bask in the sunlight as often as you want.

Tip #3. Change your Hairbrush

It may come as a surprise to you, but poorly manufactured brushes with bad bristles can lead to hair tear, damage the hair cuticle and cause loss of moisture. Invest in a good quality boar bristle hairbrush that is gentle on the hair and scalp and doesn’t cause extensive damage to avoid such situations. Also, keep a wide-toothed comb handy, which can help you detangle hair gently after a shower.

Tip #4. Prevent Hair Loss

More often than not, harsh weather conditions cause hair thinning or hair loss. Luckily, there are easily available products on the market, which can help you prevent hair loss and hair thinning. Hair For Sure, a product by Athena Life Sciences is one of the products that can effectively help you curb hair loss in extreme weather conditions.

Tip #5. Combat Chlorine

If you are a water baby and can’t stay away from an occasional dip in the pool or sea in summer, then pay attention. The chlorine in the swimming pools and salts in the sea are immensely harmful to your hair. Your hair ends up becoming dry, brittle and prone to damage. More often than not, the buildup of chlorine and salts in the sea makes your hair dull and lifeless. Prevent this by conditioning your hair before hitting the waters. Also, don’t forget to wear a shower cap throughout your swimming sessions. As soon as you come out, rinse your hair thoroughly with a clarifying or mild shampoo, followed by a conditioner.

Tip #6. Treat Flyaway and Frizz

A hot and humid climate with breeze are red flags for your hair as they cause flyaways and frizz, leading to a bad hair day. Tame your hair and make it look sleek and shiny with some simple tricks:

Calling it a Day

Use these tips and you are bound to have healthy hair throughout spring and summer. Have any other tips to add to the list? Let us know!

Sanya Das is associated with Athena Life Sciences. In her free time, she likes globetrotting around the world with her family and never misses a chance to try new cuisines.