
Tips To Make Packing For Your Relocation A Little Easier

Tips To Make Packing For Your Relocation A Little Easier

Every other lifestyle survey will tell you that moving house is one of the most stressful things that families can do, but with proper organisation there’s really no reason why your moving day needs to be a nightmare. Take a look at these tips to ensure yours is a smooth move!

Before your Move

There’s no point in moving junk from one home to another so before you move have a clear out and get rid of everything you no longer need. Then consider everything you’re packing, make sure you’ve got enough time and materials for any delicate items and that you’ve insured against potential damage or breakages.

·         Make a list of priority packing and think about where you will start.

·         A garage sale, car boot or online auction site is a great way to make a little money from possessions you no longer want and you can put the proceeds towards something for your new home. You can make a bit of cash out of items you may otherwise give or throw away, such as old clothes. It won’t make you rich but there are several companies out there who will buy old clothes and fabric from you for a few pounds a kilo.

·         Once you know what you’re moving with you, calculate the number of boxes you’ll need and get them ready. Make sure you have different sized boxes and buy a few extra for contingencies. You’ll also need packing materials like bubble wrap, newspaper and tape.

·         As you fill your boxes, keep lifting them to ensure they haven’t become too heavy to move. Use the sturdiest boxes available, especially for heavier items. Corrugated cardboard boxes are generally the strongest you can get.

·         Keep any hazardous materials such as chemicals, aerosols, bleach or paint separate from the rest of your belongings and clearly label the boxes they’re in.

Thinking Ahead

Unless you’ve got very few belongings, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to unpack everything in a day, so think about the items you’ll need straight away and make sure they’re well packed and easy to get to when placed in your new home.

·         A box of essentials is a great idea for your first night. You’ll need some plates and cutlery, a kettle, tea, coffee and some snacks to keep you going. Prepare a bag for everyone in your family with sleeping clothes, washing items and toothbrushes and ensure you have toilet paper and any other toiletries you’ll need to hand.

·         Other items that you may find useful on your first night are a small tool kit, a first aid kit, re-sealable plastic bags, pen and paper and a torch.

Packing Priorities

Packing always takes longer than you think it will and there’s no reason why you can’t start packing non-essential items days or even weeks before your move.

·         Start at the top of your home and work down, especially if you have a loft full of old stuff. Us smaller boxes to pack heavy items and don’t forget to keep checking the weight of your boxes as you go.

·         Keep all your important documents such as marriage or birth certificates together and make sure they’re in a safe place.

James Young is the founder of London Van Moves who offer a professional man and van service who service West, South-West London and Surrey.