
Using Software to Manage a Business

Starting your own business can be a daunting and difficult task. Even with the right amount of passion and drive, you need to do so many things before you can open for business. This includes performing market research, writing out a business plan, and finding a source of funds. Establishing these preliminary steps will help you build your business on a strong foundation. Once you are up and running, consider evaluating how your business functions – take note of where it excels and where it lacks. Then, you will be able to use software to streamline different aspects of your business. The diverse options available in management software mean that you can find just the one needed for you and your employees.

Customer Service

Studies show that about 86 percent of consumers will pay more for a better experience over a cheaper product that comes with lackluster customer service. Great customer service means being able to handle complaints and problems with patience and efficiency. It also refers to maintaining an ethical point of view and communicating about your product or service clearly yet concisely.

In order to create a long-lasting client base, it is important to make clients feel appreciated. They want to be able to depend on the company that they are investing in, which is why working with an appropriate software system, tailored for your clients, will help improve your relationship with them. This is often referred to as a customer relationship management system. These work by collecting contact data, preferences and interactions with clients. Having a system that does all of this means easy access to an organized view of your relationship with the client. You can utilize this to maximize and individualize your connection to each customer. For example, a car dealership in North Olmsted, OH can employ customer relationship management software to automate follow up letters or emails, while sending reminders to perform personal calls to clients. This way, car shoppers can receive updates, while the dealership increases their sales and improves their reputation.

Another way to market your business on a wider scale is through social media management software. Most people use some type of social media outlet. What better way to regularly connect to consumers than by a social media initiative that allows them to see your posts in the cycle of updates that they are used to scrolling through. Content management is important to ensure that what you put out is interesting yet productive. Use this software, especially as a new and growing business, to encourage reinvestment from returning customers and boost revenue consistently.

Productivity Software

This type of software can also be called operations software. Take care of daily business procedures through these types of applications. The name of the game is efficiency in order to make the best use of company time and resources. Different options for operational software can support many facets of a business. Word processing and spreadsheet applications are popular and extremely useful in creating business reports or presenting data in an organized way. Microsoft Office Suite is a popular choice for word processing, presentation, email, and note taking applications. Its popularity lends it to be compatible for most people.

There is also software that makes it easier to create a foundation for communication amongst employees. Collaboration tools could be used company-wide or just within a specific team working on an important project. Companies, such as one that does residential construction in Lyndhurst, OH, can use project management software to effectively work with deadlines as well as delegate and clarify aspects of a construction project. Project management software can help any group transform into a coordinated and effective project team. Professional services automation software goes along with the resources side of client project management.  Enterprise resource planning software focuses on the tangible and financial assets that a company might need to track and report. It also pays to look into software that is specific to the industry or create software that is custom to your business alone. This will eliminate the annoyances of unnecessary options that widely-used software will likely have. Something like heavy-duty repair shop software can organize operations of the business from repair shop management and fleet maintenance to repair tracking and a VRMS coding system. This is just one example of software that is made to meet the specific demands of a job. Tailored software can often be the most helpful in the long run to maintain consistent operations within your company.


In this age of technology takeover, security of our cyber spaces is increasingly important. Every industry has information that is vital to their businesses and that should be protected from security breaches and other unauthorized access. Security software can protect computer systems from these unwanted threats. Some types of data can be especially sensitive, like health data that a dentist in Lakewood, OH might have. Consumers have the legal right to privacy and confidentiality of their personal health information, and health care environments should have the appropriate safeguards in place to prevent unethical access. One type of software that can be helpful for this potential physical intrusion is access control security. This can allow the facility to set restrictions on who can access what within the health information databases that the business should have. An optimal set-up would only allow employees to log in to computers, with different access points that securely ask for a password. Require frequent password changes for the strongest level of protection.

Another aspect of protecting important data is to have a secondary location for it. Keeping secure backup copies of files is vital in case of a breach in their original location. Establishing a firewall is also the best protection for threats that can come externally. Firewalls work by filtering out unauthorized traffic that is attempting to enter the network and individual computers. The best part about utilizing a firewall is that it can be set up for a local system of computers or the wide area network that the business runs with. Antivirus software can also be used to scan individual files and other software from downloading malicious security risks. From viruses to malware, these breaches can approach through anonymous emails or suspicious links. It is still important to teach employees in-depth cyber safety, but antivirus software will go a long way to help them avoid these pitfalls.

The rewards that come from owning your own business are many. Aside from monetary compensation, the pride of growing your own success and establishing a product or service that you believe in is high up on the list of the best feelings. It should feel that much more enjoyable when you are able to utilize the rising information technology field by implementing helpful software into your business plan. The efficient nature of customer service, productivity and security software will build your business in its optimal form. Customer satisfaction, effective day to day operations, and information safety are key to a solid foundation that you can grow on.