
When Times Get Tough, Take Up A New Hobby

When Times Get Tough, Take Up A New Hobby

            We spend a lot of our lives waiting. When we’re young, we’re waiting to become an adult. When we’re an adult, we’re waiting to feel like we really, truly know what we’re doing all of the time. Eventually, we realize no one ever knows what they’re doing one hundred percent of the time, and so we have to adjust to that. People have days, weeks, and even years when it seems like they’re always trying but aren’t getting much in the way of results. Sometimes the work life is humming along nicely but the home life is a disaster. Other times it’s the opposite. In really dark times, both your personal life and your job feel like obstacles to surmount. But you shouldn’t constantly feel like you’re treading water all the time. Taking up a new hobby can be a great way to remind yourself that yes, you have talents, and there are ways for you to use those strengths. Broadly speaking, there are two types of hobbies: things that are more physical and things that are more mental.

Get Moving

            You can take up a physical hobby regardless of your history. It doesn’t matter if you were the MVP of your high school’s basketball team or played French horn in the marching band. In fact, sometimes not having an athletic background can be even better, since you’ll prove to yourself just how capable you can be without a high school gym teacher breathing down your neck. Many adults find joy by taking dance lessons. No partner is required, although you can certainly bring one if you want to. A few weeks of lessons doesn’t mean you’ll be America’s next great professional dancer, but it does mean you’ll feel a lot more confident the next time you’re at a wedding and the DJ orders everyone to “Get out there and shake it!”

            If dancing isn’t your thing, then maybe it’s bowling. If not bowling, then maybe it’s soccer. Look around your town, and you’ll likely find activity groups for every age and skill level. You can take up scuba diving if you have the time and money, but there are plenty of things that don’t require much of an initial investment. One of the simplest hobbies to take up is jogging; all you need in that case is decent running shoes and some workout clothes.

Get Thinking

But maybe you’re already getting your fill of physical activity three times a week at the local gym, and you’d rather find something to do that engages the mind. If that’s the case, consider a deep dive into the world of modern and classical art. From art deco to pop art to cubism, you’re bound to find an aesthetic that speaks to your heart and soul. Once you do, you may want to start buying paintings in your chosen category. Generally speaking, local up-and-coming artists will have more affordable pieces than world-renowned artists who died two hundred years ago. If you find a piece you love that’s out of your budget, don’t despair. Contact a company that specializes in handmade oil painting reproductions. That way you can display a piece of fine art in your house without having to take out a second mortgage on said house.

If words are more your thing, join a local writing group that meets regularly to read and critique each other’s work. You may or may not become a better writer, but you’ll almost certainly make a few friends. And even if your desire to write The Next Great American Novel fades away with time, you’ll still have a newly expanded social circle to show for it.