
Why Contract A Children's Dentist or Sedation Dentist In Hamilton

Some people fear visiting dental clinics because they are always anxious during dental procedures. Some, on the other hand, have phobia of the dentist, hence preventing them from accessing dental services. If you fall in this category you can put your fears to rest as a Hamilton sedation dentist offers the best solution that will help you relax. Children’s dentists in Hamilton also uses sedation to make children feel comfortable and relaxed with the use of oral sedation pills and laughing gas.

There are some dental procedures that are painful or require surgery, therefore, the dentist will use oral conscious sedation pills, which the patients take prior to their visit and then the laughing gas is used as a supplement to the pills. Sedation dentistry is mostly used during extensive dental procedures such as extraction of wisdom teeth, cosmetic dentistry, dental implants, or dentistry in general. Anesthesiologists administer the sedatives, they monitor your level of sedation, and vitals to make sure you are calm, relaxed, and comfortable during the procedure.

When it comes to treating children’s dental problems, a paediatric dentist is always consulted and the parent(s) must accompany the child. Children are known to be restless when undergoing any medical procedure, therefore the physician will use different methods in order to make them feel comfortable. For paediatric dentistry, such as a children’s dentist in Hamilton, you are offered different types of sedation that will meet the needs of each child. Whether it is tooth extraction, stainless steel crowns, amalgam fillings, cleaning of the teeth or general oral examination, your child’s safety and comfort should be the dentist’s top priority.

A sedation dentist offers a variety of dental sedation depending on the patient’s dental procedure he or she is undergoing, medical history, and level of comfort. The following are types of sedation used by a Hamilton sedation dentist:

– General anesthetic
– Laughing gas (nitrous oxide)
– Oral sedatives
– IV sedation

General anesthetic and IV sedation are for a deeper level of sedation and can be used in emergency cases, such as oral surgery and implants, in order to make patients sleep during the procedure. On the other hand, oral sedatives and nitrous oxide can be used during oral examination, teeth cleaning, or tooth extraction, and are referred to as conscious sedatives because the patient will be drowsy but conscious, hence you will maintain calmness. Patients who require sedation dentistry include:

– Children
– Those with dental phobia
– Having strong gag reflexes
– Those with low pain tolerance
– Physically handicapped
– Those undergoing major dental treatment

Before the sedatives are administered, your Hamilton sedation dentist will find out the dental procedure you are receiving and if you are using any medication for other illnesses. He or she will discuss with you the different options and process of sedation, including pre and post sedation process. The dentist will also advise you to have someone accompany you to the clinic if you are going to have sedation. This is because the laughing gas has some side effect and the patient might experience constipation and nausea, and this is not safe for one to drive. The gas is always turned on during the procedure and is turned off after the patient has been treated. The doctor will then administer oxygen gas for about 5-10 minutes in order to flush the residue of nitrous oxide.