
Your Complete Guide To Becoming A VOSA MOT Tester – Find Out Everything You Need To Know

Are you thinking about becoming a VOSA MOT tester? This is a natural move for anyone that has been involved in motor repairs and servicing for a considerable number of years. There are many benefits to be gained by going down this route and you will simply need to take a short course and pass an examination in order to be deemed a suitable person to carry out MOTs on vehicles. Read on to discover everything you need to know about becoming a MOT tester…

First and foremost, let’s take a look at the various reasons why you would want to become a MOT tester. For most people the answer to this is obvious – you will be able to generate greater profit levels by offering this service. After all, you are offering something that is always going to be in demand, as all vehicles are required to have a MOT by law. Thus you can be confident that you will never see the day when your skills become redundant. You will also make yourself much more employable and you will be able to attract a greater amount of business too.

In order to become a VOSA MOT tester you will need to take a training course and then pass an assessment. You will need to look for a suitable training provider with a great amount of care. You should find a company that boasts a considerable amount of experience and you should read reviews that have been left by those that have already taken the course to see what they have to say. You will be able to get an instant feel as to whether this is a company you want to take your MOT training with. Make sure they are accredited too and that they will help you with all of the necessary steps.

Nevertheless, before you actually go to take the necessary training you must be aware of what is required of you. You will need to have at last four years of experience as a full-time skilled mechanic if you are to make it as a MOT tester. Aside from this, you need to have a full current UK driving licence, you must not have any criminal offences that are linked to the motor trade or testing scheme, you must not have any criminal offences related to violence, you must be of good repute and an authorised examiner must have nominated you.

Hopefully you now have a better understanding of what is required of you if you want to become a VOSA MOT tester and the many benefits you can gain by doing so. The only thing you need to do now is find the best training provider. Use the tips that have been provided in this article and you are assured to find a quality training centre. Never go for the cheapest company you lay your eyes on, you are only going to spend more money if you need to keep resitting the exam or look elsewhere for your training.