
Your Home, Your Style

Our home is one of the best reflections of our personality, which is why homeowners have long been proud to style and decorate their space in a way that represents their individual tastes and continue to search for that unique look.

Making the Most of your Property

In the UK we are often pushed for space in our homes, mainly due to the high cost of land. New build properties are often particularly cramped and, according to the BBC, new houses in this country are much smaller than those in most other European countries. Common complaints include intrusive noise from neighbouring properties and a severe lack of storage space, meaning that it is vital to make the most of the space that we do have available. One way to achieve this is through clever styling and the use of reproduction designer furniture.

The Popularity of Entertaining at Home

According to the Independent, eating and drinking at home with friends is becoming more and more popular. The difficult economic conditions, which most of us encounter to one extent or another, mean that people are increasingly not prepared to pay the high prices demanded in bars and restaurants. The availability of cheap alcohol and bargain food in supermarkets means that staying in and socialising at home is a very viable alternative, with householders keen to make sure that their homes are as comfortable and luxurious as possible so that they can be proud to host social occasions for their friends and relations.

The popularity of the dinner party means that the dining area, whether this a multi-functional space or a separate dining room, is one of the most important parts of the house to get right. This area should be styled in such a way that people enjoy spending time over a leisurely meal with friends in a relaxed atmosphere, and one way to achieve this in a contemporary setting is by using reproduction designer furniture by Pash-Living. This high-quality range offers affordable prices, making beautiful furniture accessible and available to all.

Your home is probably the biggest investment you will ever make and it is important to make the most of it. The best way of doing this is by ensuring that you create a happy and tranquil ambience so that everybody who visits feels welcome.