
Home Based Jobs – Are They Really Sustainable?


Many people have trouble going to offices because of the expenses. Some workplaces are too far and landing a job near home seems impossible. Because of this, many people have switched over to jobs that are based at home. Seriously, you work at the convenience of your home while earning. Who wouldn’t want that? In this article, you will see the different advantages and disadvantages or work at home.  Be sure to read it until the end.

If you have been reading other articles and watching the news, you’ll see that home-based work is heavily advertised. Many frustrated workers who have been going back and forth their jobs see this as the perfect opportunity. Many of them decide to let go of their current jobs for a new one. A home-based job may sound attractive but be sure to take all of the disadvantages that come with it, too.

The Advantages of Working at Home

First off, the advantages of working at home extend to many things. Virtual Assistants, writers, graphic designers and others are some examples that are prolific in the world of home-based jobs.  However, these are the main advantages you can experience while working at home:

The Disadvantages of Working at Home

Pros and Cons are two sides of the same coin. However, the disadvantages seem to stem from being too comfortable. There is no urgency factor and no employee rivalry, which is an important part of raising efficiency and motivation. Another thing is that home-based jobs tend to get scammed more easily. Here they are in detail:

This includes the idea of being always there for your family. This may be an advantage but how can you work if you are taking care of them at the same time? Make sure you know when to work and when to care for the family. Setting a time schedule may be worth it.

Therefore, the competition is not present and you will not be driven to work harder towards your goals. Lastly, it is good to be recognized as a good employee and someone who beats his/her rivals. This seldom happens in home-based jobs.


Working at home can spell great things and bad. However, the convenience of working at home should be recognized. If you really need to take care of the family but you need to earn money, this is the job for you. Many sites like Upwork offer online jobs for people. They even have their own way to raise your reputation online!