So your kid’s not good at math. He should learn coding. What’s the point, you may ask, if he hates numbers and logic? Expoerts like Hadi Partovi, founder and CEO of stated in December 2013 video or trainers at DevelopIntelligence, all agree that kids who don’t like math will benefit from coding. The connection is the fun coding offers kids.

Coding is entertaining. That’s really all there is to it. A child’s natural curiosity motivates her to learn. If she wants to learn, she will. Having a game design in mind and wanting to see it actually created can be the best motivation to learn the math necessary to see it happen. This is much more motivating than the threat of a bad grade in math and constant nagging by parents to get math homework done.

In addition to helping kids practice math skills in a fun way, coding can help them understand logical thinking. If your child creates a game in which something is not working, he will want to investigate his coding to find out where the problem is. This helps him to apply the process of elimination to locate the difficulty and then to solve it.

Coding is becoming trendy to learn, and what their friends are learning, they will probably want to master. In December 2014, the programming language and website Scratch had 167,777 monthly project creators, but in the same month in 2007, the number was just 2,966. Coding is exploding in popularity, and your kid who doesn’t like math and logic may just find that he wants to understand how to do it because his friends are.

Coding is not just staring at a screen with lines of code. It can be entertaining and motivating because it allows kids to make digital creations like games and apps, even kids who hate numbers and reasoning. Since coding isn’t just for nerds anymore, your kid may also want to learn how to do it just because her friends are. This may be just the impetus your child needs to jump on the coding bandwagon.