This particular problem is a common issue, but still, people don’t know how to react when it comes to their doorstep. You get the piece of paper when it says that you are going to be sued. The first thing that you have to do is to stop the panic. That is the last thing that will help you in that moment.

How To Protect Yourself from Personal Injury Lawsuit?

A personal injury lawsuit usually comes after an injured party says that you breached a duty that resulted in bad income for her and him. You have to find a way to defend yourself from that claim, and the idea is to show that you haven’t done those requirements of the claim. We decided to present you one of three thing that applies and that will help you in case that this happens:

  • You are not responsible for duty breach and everything that happened because of that.
  • There was no breach whatsoever,
  • The injury was not caused by breach of duty.

The next thing that you should add is that a third party is responsible for injury and damage and therefore they should be liable for it. Even if it is your fault, it is important to state that you are innocent and that fault is someone else. The reason for that is because liability must be properly proportioned among all parties and not just by yourself.

If you were involved in some accident or similar thing, it is widely important that you protect yourself in case that lawsuit is filed. There are some tips that we want to mention before you decide to choose personal injury lawyer.

Write down everything that has happened

Even though, you think that you can remember everything, have in mind that memory becomes unreliable when a similar accident happens. That is why it is important to take notes. You have to answer questions on:

  • Who
  • When
  • What
  • Where
  • Why
  • How

It is important to pay attention to other party and see whether he/she is talking with an ambulance, police and other people around you. Notes are great because you will have reliable proof and there is no possibility for you to forget the important kind of even. Notes are the great asset for defending yourself.

Take pictures and keep the evidence with you

You have to understand that every single case is unique, which means that memories could be compromised and corrupted in numerous ways. When you have pictures they will tell you and make you remember all tiny details that could protect you in case of anything. Show pictures of:

  • Weather conditions
  • Amount of traffic
  • All people that were around in moment of injury
  • All physical damage that happened

That will help your story become relevant and integrated.


Whatever happens, you have to keep your head above the ground and be the first who talks with everyone. Even though you are in shock, as well as another party, you have to keep up with common sense and provide living proof that you were also a liability.