In recent times, social networking sites have grown in popularity and have become an acceptable medium for communicating. But for most parents, they seem like a necessary vice to deal with, especially with the incessant threat of child molesters, cyber bullies and adult oriented content faced by their children online. Perhaps one of the most popular sites, that has gained widespread acceptance globally, is Facebook. Facebook has over 750 million users and an age registration restriction of 13 years. Even though most parents would like to monitor the activities of their children online, they would like to do so in a way that doesn’t infringe their children’s privacy. It is under such circumstances that we recommend you get a Facebook parental control program, such as Zone Alarm Guard.

Zone Alarm Guard makes Facebook a safe environment for your children to connect with their friends and share ideas, thus develop good social skills. It makes it easy for parents to keep track of alarming activities on Facebook, which their children may be involved in, without having to befriend them or even have your own Facebook account. This software works through an application that you install on their account. Since you don’t want to break their trust, it would probably be best to first gain their consent and establish some parameters on what you will be monitoring. Once installed, you should be able to view content created by and for your children, such as wall posts and private messages. The only thing this application doesn’t record is shared photos, videos, and non offensive content.

Zone alarm guard provides a greatly deal of flexibility on how parents can monitor their children’s Facebook accounts. Since the parental controls work through an online Facebook application, parents can check on their children’s activities from any computer terminal, or even a Smartphone. The alerts are also on a real time basis, which should allow you to keep yourself fully abreast of your children’s “Facebooking” activities. To protect your children from sexual predators, zone alarm guard has a very intuitive system that is able to determine potential threats, according to certain criteria that fit such threats. This system also lets you know if you’re child’s account has been accessed without his/her authority.

Since you are unlikely to find the time to keep up with every last bit of dribble that goes through your children’s account, zone alarm guard will provide alerts that fit with certain key phrases, saving you time and a lot of effort. This parental control program is very effective at what it does and at 20$ it is quite affordable for most modern households.

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