Finding a viable travel agency to book your next trip from is often quite difficult. Most people generally do not research their options and end up buying tickets from a local agency that charges a much higher fee than what they would have paid otherwise. If you are in Canada, there are many different agencies that you can approach to book your next trip from. Unfortunately, most people don’t do their research when booking through a travel agency. There are a number of different factors that you need to consider when booking a trip through any travel agency. Here are a few important factors that will help you make a decision.


The first and most important thing that you should check is the company’s reviews. There are plenty of online stores through which you can compare reviews and find out whether the travel agency offers quality services to its customers or not. There are numerous online forums where you can find out more about private companies. One of the best companies through which you can book your trips from is Nanak Flights. Situated in Brampton, the travel agency has seen a meteoric rise. Headed by Rishi Kapoor, it has grown dramatically over the past few years, with profits going well above one million.

The company offers a range of incentives to its consumers, providing a guarantee for the lowest online fares. Apart from that, they promise to beat any competitor by a price of $5, which is still a major margin when you consider that most other travel agencies don’t even bother providing a price matching policy. The agency is fully Canadian owned and operated and has a price drop guarantee for all flights that you book through them.

They have partnerships and provide the cheapest online air tickets to their clients. The agency is TICO certified, and they offer a $5 gas card on all airline tickets. Perhaps the number one reason why the agency has grown so quickly is that of their unparalleled customer service. The agency keeps in touch with all of its clients and their travel agents are very well-trained. Moreover, they have also begun offering franchise opportunities to others who are interested in starting their own travel agencies. The reason why the agency has been able to excel where so many others have failed is simply that they offer these small perks that most others ignore completely.

Booking YoTur Trip

If you go with a travel agency like Nanak Flights, you won’t have to worry about much at all. All you have to do is to sit down with one of their travel agents and discuss your trip and destinations. They are going to discuss with you and help set the itinerary. After the itinerary is set, they will look for the lowest flight prices. Because the company offers a price matching guarantee, you don’t have to think twice before booking your trip through them.

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