The prostate is the glandular organ that produces fluid which constitutes part of semen which is necessary for the sperms to function normally. Like everything that surrounds fertility, it arouses special interest, and its problems also cause special apprehension. Protecting and caring for it seems equally important as compared to other health issues because we also associate it with pleasure and sexual strength.


What exactly is the prostate?

It’s a walnut sized organ deep inside the pelvis situated below the bladder and surrounded by other organs, most importantly by the rectum. It cannot be palpated directly but parts of it can be felt through the rectum. The urethra passes through it to join the bladder neck.



By definition this term means that there is a faster rate of division of the cells leading to an increase in organ size. In prostate it is called benign prostatic htperplaia (BPH) and is almost inevitable. It has to do with the relative increase in estrogen compared to testosterone with advancing age. After 60 years, more than half of men suffer from it; with 70 or 80 they are up to 90%.

Although almost ubiquitous in elderly men, it has potential to cause serious complications in few. Many men only have mild discomfort whereas others may have serious issues like urinary tract infections, bladder stones, blood in the urine etc.



This is a remarkable marker which can reliably predict existence of cancer in prostate and is measured easily by a simple blood test. Though not fool proof it can indicate existence of cancer. That may lead to further tests like a biopsy of prostate to confirm if the malady exists.


Signs to go to the doctor

Even if you don’t clearly notice problems with urination like the ones we have already mentioned, go to the physician if you notice some of the general symptoms of enlargement of prostate:

  • Increased frequency of urination both in day and night
  • A sense or urgency before passing urine, leading to involuntary loss of urine sometimes.
  • Need to apply pressure for adequate expulsion of urine
  • A poor stream of urine falling very close to the body, which means a weak stream
  • Urinary stream becomes intermittent and does not have a constant flow pattern
  • A sense of incomplete evacuation even after passing urine
  • Pain when urinating or ejaculating


Among the many urologists available, there is one exceptionally qualified surgeon available in Miami who specializes in the treatment of prostate cancer. Dr. Sanjay Razdan in Miami caters to a wide variety of patients on a regular basis and is one of the Global Leaders in robotic prostate surgery. He utilizes the da Vinci Robot to perform the surgery for complete removal of the prostate so as to eradicate the disease. His innovative techniques have resulted in unparalleled continence and potency rates  in the vast majority of his  patients.

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