Arthritis is one of the most commonly associated illnesses with aging. Arthritis can be debilitating and often interfere with day to day living. People with this condition depend on the effectivity of their pain control method for them to be able to move painlessly. Most people experiencing joint pain rely heavily on medications. What most people don’t know is the fact that there is hope beyond pills when it comes to joint pains.

What is Arthritis?

Let’s take a closer look at this condition. Joint pain can be caused by many things. Arthritis is a general term used to describe the joint pain. The word arthritis originated from the Greek word “arthron”, which means joint and “itis” which means inflammation. This condition is characterized by joint pain and stiffness. Usual causes of arthritis include damage to the joint and surrounding tissues, inflammation, and wear and tear. There are over 100 different forms of arthritis and the most common types of arthritis are following:

Osteoarthritis- is a form of arthritis that is caused by wear and tear of the joints. People who are obese are mostly susceptible to this form of arthritis. Weight loss helps in joint pain relief.

Rheumatoid arthritis- is a form of the autoimmune disorder that affects the cartilage that cushions the joints. The immune system detects its own as a threat and destroys it. This form of arthritis affects the knees, wrists, fingers, and elbows. When left unattended, this causes joint deformity.

Gouty arthritis– the body is unable to get rid of excess uric acid, a protein that is abundant in seeds, nuts, and legumes. This excess uric acid is deposited in the joints.


Joint pain relief can be achieved in different ways, depending on the causative factor. For instance, for osteoarthritis sufferers, weight reduction is advised. The main goal of treatment is to reduce inflammation and further destruction of the joints. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, also called as NSAIDS, are usually prescribed. This includes ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and diclofenac, and naproxen. On the other hand, nature also has a lot to offer when it comes to joint pain relief. Some herbs provide promising effects on joint pains. Here are some of them:

1. Turmeric

Turmeric is possibly one of the wonder drugs in nature’s medicine cabinet. It combats a long list of maladies that include, but not limited to high cholesterol, cancer, depression, and other inflammatory conditions. Turmeric contains a chemical that is called curcumin, the substance that provides its yellow/orange color. This component acts as an anti-inflammatory agent similar to NSAIDs.

2. Garlic

If you are a fan of Go zine Health News, you are probably familiar with the benefits of garlic. Garlic is a well-loved ingredient to many dishes because of its flavor. Just like turmeric, garlic is a great anti-inflammatory. Aside from its anti-inflammatory effect, garlic also contains the mineral called selenium. Selenium has anti-oxidant properties that fight free-radicals from damaging the joints. People suffering from rheumatoid arthritis have low levels of selenium, according to Arthritis Research.

3. Ginger

This humble herb has been part of ancient medicine for thousands of years. In an article published in It works similarly to ibuprofen and celecoxib. In fact, ginger is better than its pharmaceutical counterparts because it does not only relieve the inflammation temporarily, but it also blocks inflammatory molecules and inflammatory genes. This makes it effective for both rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Ginger can be added to daily meals or taken from tablet form. Some people are unable to tolerate ginger if you are one of them, there are other joint pain supplements, out in the market and are featured in Glozine Health News.

4. Cinnamon

This spice is a great addition to desserts and drinks. For most people, cinnamon is the smell of Christmas, but for some cinnamon is a joint pain relief. Cinnamaldehyde and cinnamic acid are abundant in cinnamon. These two components are great in battling free-radicals that damage the joints. Although, more studies is needed to establish the usefulness of this herb on joint pain relief, a lot of people has already included this herb in their daily diets to benefit from its joint-pain-battling properties.

5. Cayenne

Just like the previously mentioned spices, cayenne also battles inflammation. Just like other members of its capsicum family (hot peppers, bell pepper, jalapeno, etc.), cayenne is packed with capsaicin that is an effective anti-inflammatory component. In fact, capsaicin is utilized in many topical anti-inflammatory creams.

Video- Foods That Fight Arthritis Pain I Wish I Knew Earlier

For thousands of years, these spices were used by our ancestors as a remedy for various illnesses. Presently, some of these herbs’ joint-pain-relief benefits are backed up by some studies. Although, more research is needed to further understand the benefits as well as their long-term effects. When taking large doses of these herbs, it is important to consult your family doctor. They might interact with other medications and pose a risk to your health.

Author Bio

Kathy Mitchell was born in the USA. She has done MA in English Literature. She loves to publish her article on different health and beauty websites. She is contributing to Consumer Health Digest. Follow her on Google+, Facebook and Twitter.

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